Reviews by Tour Type


The best birding tour possible, Saman, with an exceptional knowledge and experience

31 Jul 2022
Miguel Benedicto and Nolan Puig enjoying King Coconut

Miguel Benedicto and Nolan Puig enjoying King Coconut

The birding travel organized by WWJ has been perfect in all aspects. 
The best birding tour possible, Saman, with an exceptional knowledge and experience in birding especially and also wildlife in general. He has been able to ride the travel without any incident, adapting the schedule when required and finding & identifying all the bird like in a masterclass. 
A very good, seasoned guide and the driver, Indunil. Always attentive to our needs, caring all the group with a safe driving and also with a very good birding knowledge and fine senses to detect them.
The planned travel along these 2 weeks has been perfectly programmed to visit the best natural places in the island for birding, but also including the key cultural locations to have a complete view of Sri Lanka.
Thanks a lot for the good job done during these days, we enjoyed a lot!

És difícil poder plasmar en poques paraules el viatge a Sri Lanka.

26 Jun 2022

Molina family

Barcelona, Spain

26th June to 09th July 2022


És difícil poder plasmar en poques paraules el viatge a Sri Lanka. Han estat quinze dies màgics al costat de Dammika . Ens ha ensenyat racons preciosos de la illa.

És un expert en la fauna del país, hu ha tants animals : elefants , lleopards , tortugues , ocells …..

sempre ha intentat que estiguèssim el màxim de bé adaptant-se al nostre ritme.

Hi ha tant per veure , és un país amb racons que no estan massificats i tenen molta cura pels animals .

Quan arribes ja pots sentir que serà un viatge especial i et fan sentir molt bé , tenen un cor immens i es preocupen que estguis al màxim de bé.

Si teniu pensat en fer un viatge, no dubteu gens ni mica en el destí i amb els serveis de walk with Jith , no us arrepantireu.


Familia Molina / Portas

Viatge Juny -Juliol 2022



In two days finding so many endemics; I didn’t think it was possible.

15 Apr 2022
Ken Field with guide Thilina and local guide

Ken Field with guide Thilina and local guide

Thank you so much for organizing my short 2 days trip to Sinharaja. It was all last minute but it has worked out better than I would have ever thought. 
In two days finding so many endemics. I didn’t think was possible but having Thili as a guide with his incredible knowledge and spotting skills has enabled me to see all but 2 of the endemics possible here even with the bonus of the Sri Lankan White-eye. Nothing tops the excitement of crawling through the undergrowth to see the Serendib Scopes Owl !


3-day private tour to the wetlands south of Colombo and Sinharaja rain forest

3 Apr 2022
Jeannette Troost with guide Upali

Jeannette Troost with guide Upali

I did a short 3-day private tour to the wetlands south of Colombo and Sinharaja rain forest. 
It was a very pleasant trip, the guide Upali was very helpful and friendly.  
The hotel, Rock View Motel was perfect with stunning views and a lot of birds around. 

Dates: 03rd to 05th April 2022


He can spot a bird at an unbelievable distance

23 Mar 2022

I wish to complement with Jith for the great organization of the trip : in a short time (less than 10 days). We managed to see all the endemics of Sri Lanka. 
I must thank our guide Thilina : he is one of the best bird guides I have ever met in all my bird trips. He is helpful, he can spot a bird at an unbelievable distance, and he never gets tired until the target bird is seen. 

Tour duration: 23rd March – 02nd April 2022

Good value for money, great communication.

26 Feb 2022
Nolan Hayden and Eilidh Hall with Upali

Nolan Hayden and Eilidh Hall with Upali

Sri Lanka is a wonderful country and the birds and wildlife are fantastic. We really enjoyed our trip!
The people here are very friendly and we are grateful to those generous folks who opened their homes and gardens to us to bird watch. They were so welcoming always ready with a cup of tea and some Sri Lankan sweet treats. (We recommend Juggery!)
All the accommodation was to a good standard and the staff were very kind and helpful. We enjoyed trying Sri Lanka food and definitely recommend going for the rice and curry option when offered. 
It was amazing to see the 33 endemic birds along with the others – 200+ total!
Thanks to the guides who us find them. 
Thanks Upali

Thilly is extremely sharp and knowledgeable

21 Feb 2022
Mikael and group with Thilana and Indunil

Mikael and group with Thilana and Indunil

This is our last morning of our 12-day tour through wonderful Sri Lanka, and in a few hours, we will drive to the airport. The tour has been extremely successful! 
Not only did we see all 34 endemic bird species and a number of “specials”, but we also got to see wonderful landscapes and enjoy the hospitality of Sri Lanka people. Our primary guide Thilly and co-guide/driver Indu have worked hard and professionally to bring the tour to such a success. Thilly is extremely sharp and knowledgeable – it’s difficult to think that there are any better bird guides around!   
The logistics also worked perfectly, despite problems with diesel shortage ll over the country. All in all , we are extremely satisfied with this tour, and there is no reason to look for other organization than Walk With Jith !


The planning and implementation of my birding trip in Sri Lanka was always competent, efficient and friendly.

16 Jan 2022
Christian Engel with Susantha

Christian Engel with Susantha

WalkWithJith als Unternehmen und meinen Guide Susantha Weerappuli kann ich nur auf das Wärmste empfehlen. Planung und Durchführung meiner Reise zur Vogelbeoachtung auf Sri Lanka waren stets kompetent, effizient und freundlich. Alles verlief während der etwas mehr als „ Wochen reibungslos und das Ergebnis hat am Ende alle Erwartungen übertroffen: Ich konnte  in zwei Wochen alle endemischen Arten Sri Lankas sehen, dazu viele weitere Brutvogelarten und Wintergäste – insgesamt über  240 Arten. Sustantha war dabei mit seinen profunden Kenntnissen  ein perfekter Führer durch die Vogelwelt und Sri Lanka´s – und darüber hinaus.

Die gemeinsame Reise war dazu immer entspannt und angenehm und freundschaftlich. Ich kann nur zu einer Vogelbeobachtung auf Sri Lanka mit WalkWithJith und Susantha als Guide ermutigen und werde die Reise in bester Erinnerung  behalten.“


Here is the Google translation of the original text in German:

Delayed due to the pandemic. Very happy to be a part of the tourism “restart”.

22 Nov 2021

The tour was excellent. The itinerary was exactly as it heeded to be, within the decided time span.

The guide (Thilina) was excellent in every respect

  1. Very safe driving.
  2. Superior knowledge of bird calls and identification.
  3. Long established knowledge of previous trips was extremely useful.

The accommodations were all very clean and comfortable. Food provided was varied, well prepared and delicious. It is not often that I can attend a private tour. So, this was a special holiday – delayed due to the pandemic. I’m also very happy to be a part of the essential tourism “restart”. I was very well taken care of by the guide. Thank you so much


22 – 29 November 2021

